Jericho Wawa

Oxford's literary magazine

—You are invited to a sumptuous dinner party in print—

There's no need to dress up—though we wouldn't be against it—and you don't need to bring wine or a gift. This dinner party sits on your bookshelf and arrives at your door, three times a year, once per Oxford term. Jericho Wawa is a readable evening out in wonderful company, with essays, poetry, pictures, and music contributed by our eclectic guests, and we invite you to join the fun. 

Don't miss the great party in print!

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Jericho Wawa is also available at the following locations in Oxford:

Common Ground, Walton Street Post & Packing,
Daunt Books,
& the Old Bookbinders Alehouse

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What's in Each Issue

In each issue of Jericho Wawa, you will find letters, poetry, pictures, and essays from a variety of viewpoints by a variety of people. We even have newly composed music included in each edition. Opening the front cover is like opening the door to an excellent evening.

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